Using compost to improve water quality in the Lake Champlain Basin

Soil Builders - Education for Action

The Composting Association of Vermont and Compost for Good are hosting two FREE workshops on Wednesday, April 2nd, 2025, in Whallonsburg, NY

10:00 AM - Noon:

Healthy Soils, Clean Waters: A Watershed Approach to Protecting the Lake Champlain Basin explores the vital connections between soil health and water quality. This workshop highlights practical strategies that Soil and Water Conservation Districts, community-based watershed groups, and engaged citizens can implement in their communities to reduce erosion, improve soil structure, and safeguard local waterways.

1:00-3:00 pm

Restoring the Soil: Best Practices for Erosion Control & Revegetation, led by Charles Duprey of Naturcycle, focuses on best management practices for erosion control and revegetation in yards, fields, on banks and hillsides, and in road-side ditches (1 LACES CEUs).

Both workshops will take place at the Whallonsburg Grange Hall (1610 NYS Route 22 Whallonsburg, NY)

Light refreshments provided.

Join us for one or both of these learning opportunities! Both workshops are open to all.

For more information, contact Natasha Duarte at 802-373-6499 or 

Compost microscopy 101: matching biology to soil & crop needs

Join the Composting Association of Vermont for our next "Compost Tea Talk" lunch-and-learn webinar! This session will explore the fascinating world of microscopy, helping you understand how the biological communities within compost influence soil health and cropping success.

  • When: Friday, March 7th, from Noon-1:00 PM

  • Where: On Zoom

Led by John Culpepper, this webinar will include looking at microscope images from compost and healthy soil, breaking down what different microbial populations indicate and how they can be used to guide compost application strategies. Learn how bacterial and fungal dominance impacts plant health, and discover how to fine-tune your compost use for different cropping systems and long-term soil sustainability.

Key Takeaways:

✅ How to interpret microbial diversity in compost and soil samples

✅ Understanding bacterial vs. fungal-dominant compost and its best uses

✅ Strategies for aligning compost application with your soil health goals

✅ How biologically robust compost can help reduce costs by choosing the right kind of compost for your fields, cropping systems, lawns, etc.

Bring your lunch and your curiosity for this engaging and insightful discussion!

Register here

About the presenter: John Culpepper co-founded Compost for Good to help communities around the world to upcycle all appropriate organic materials to: reduce greenhouse gas emissions; keep resources in local communities; create business opportunities; help solve water quality issues; and lower the cost of food and fiber production. John has worked in education, farming, facilities management, and research. John is a certified microscopist through the Soil Food Web School, and he is currently working on his consultant certification through the same program.

Interested in participating in more compost tea talks? The next one will be on March 28 when we’ll be talking about Compost feedstock sourcing and transportation - challenges, opportunities, solutions.

VORS 2025 Call for Presentations, Workshops, and Tours is open!

19th Annual Vermont Organics Recycling Summit

Sustainable Communities Begin with Compost!

April 30-May 1, 2025

Are you passionate about the role of compost in supporting resilient communities? The Composting Association of Vermont is convening the 2025 Vermont Organics Recycling Summit (VORS) as part of International Compost Awareness Week (ICAW), sharing the theme Sustainable Communities Begin with Compost! Proposals for panels, roundtable discussions, workshops and tours related to this theme or the additional themes listed below are welcome.

The Call for Presentations, Workshops, and tours is open!

Submission deadline:  Monday, January 13th, 2025

Composting is essential to effective resource management, empowering communities to locally manage organic materials, create job opportunities, and enrich local soils with nutrient-rich compost. By turning organic materials into valuable compost, we regenerate the soil, reduce landfill waste, and support healthier food systems for everyone. Composting is accessible to all, whether you have a garden, a large community project, or a commercial or municipal facility. Join us to explore how compost can drive a sustainable future for communities everywhere! VORS 2025 will spotlight composting as a powerful tool for sustainable communities, adaptable to all scales—from backyard composters and community initiatives to large-scale facilities. 

The 2025 Summit will be held on Wednesday, April 30th, at the Randolph campus of Vermont State University (formerly VTC). The day will include a hybrid plenary in the morning followed by lunch and in-person-only sessions; the day will conclude with a social networking event nearby. On Thursday, May 1st, we plan to offer a variety of tours, field trips and in-person workshops concurrently across Vermont.

The call for proposals for presentations, panels, workshops, and tours is open through Monday, January 13th, 2025. While we aim to include virtual participation on April 30th, this call is for in-person contributions only.

All proposals related to the 2025 theme or the additional themes listed below are welcome. More than one proposal may be submitted online or by email to 

Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:

Please fill out this google form or download the RFP here and email it to

Submission deadline:  Monday, January 13th, 2025

Interested in exhibiting or sponsoring VORS 2025?

We have three levels of sponsorship available:

  1. “Black Gold” Sponsor: $1,500 (includes most prominent placement of logo/link and additional acknowledgement)

  2. Sustaining Sponsor: $500 (includes more prominent placement of logo/link)

  3. Exhibitor Sponsor: $200

Logos and website links for Sponsors are included in promotion, on event and organization websites, and through our social media. We estimate VORS annual electronic promotion reaches 10,000+ individuals.

For more information, contact

VORS is hosted by the Composting Association of Vermont and the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Environmental Conservation. The Composting Association of Vermont (CAV) is a nonprofit organization that promotes organics recycling that protects and benefits the environment. The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Environmental Conservation (ANR/DEC) is dedicated to protecting and improving the health of Vermont’s people and ecosystems and promoting the sustainable use of Vermont’s natural resources.

Building a Sustainable Future: Advancing Eco-Literacy in the Lake Champlain Basin

HINESBURG, VERMONT, USA, July 15, 2024 -- The Composting Association of Vermont is thrilled to announce the launch of "Soil Builders 201 – Education in Action." Building on the successful Soil Builders 101 project, this initiative will use education, demonstration, and community engagement to highlight the importance of compost-based practices in enhancing and protecting water quality and soil health in the Lake Champlain Basin.

Soil Builders 201 provides compost-related eco-literacy to empower decision-makers, professionals, and advocates in the Lake Champlain Basin to address the critical issues of water pollution and nutrient management. By focusing on the integral connections between water quality, soil health, organics diversion, and climate change adaptation, this project will provide stakeholders with the knowledge and tools necessary to implement sustainable practices.

This project will bridge the gap between theory and practice, making the lessons from the Soil Builders curriculum more accessible and impactful through its three key components:

  1. In-person workshops to provide engaging hands-on learning experiences and in-depth discussions on best practices for soil health and water quality management.

  2. Interactive signs that foster public engagement by bringing project stories to life.

  3. Demonstration projects showcasing compost-based best practices, for example, at the critical interface of agricultural fields and town roads, to offer concrete, actionable strategies to reduce runoff and improve water quality.

Join us! We invite all interested parties to participate in the upcoming workshops and visit the demonstration sites. Your involvement is crucial in our collective effort to improve soil health and water quality in the Lake Champlain Basin.

For more information, please contact Natasha Duarte, CAV Director, at or 802-373-6499.

CAV is dedicated to promoting sustainable environmental practices through education, innovation, and community engagement. Our projects aim to create a healthier, more resilient ecosystem for future generations.

This project has been funded wholly or in part by the United States Environmental Protection Agency under assistance agreement (LC00A01141-0) to NEIWPCC in partnership with the Lake Champlain Basin Program.

Composting Summit Kicks off on April 29 to Celebrate Healthy Soil and Resilient Communities


Montpelier, Vt. – In an effort to bolster composting and reduce waste, the Vermont Organics Recycling Summit (VORS) will bring together industry leaders with learners from April 29 to May 3, 2024. Summit attendees will discuss creative ways to keep food and other organics out of the trash and to transform them into valuable products.

Beginning on Monday, April 29, 2024, the Summit will kick off with in-person and hybrid sessions in Waterbury, Vermont. The remainder of the week will include a series of free virtual sessions through Friday, May 3. VORS is organized by the Composting Association of Vermont (CAV) and the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC).

“Anyone who wants to network or learn more about composting, diverting organics from the trash, or reducing food waste should think about signing up for VORS,” said DEC Commissioner Jason Batchelder. “This year, the Summit will help us explore how keeping organics out of the trash is an important climate solution.”

This year's theme, "Compost… Nature's Climate Champion!", spotlights the many roles of compost in climate change adaptation, including capturing carbon in the soil, enhancing soil health, supporting sustainable agriculture, nurturing biodiversity, and more.

"We have nearly 20 sessions to celebrate the value of compost and how it supports the environment and resilient communities,” said Natasha Duarte, the Director of the CAV. “We're also thrilled to welcome Dr. Sally Brown – a compost, soil health, and climate mitigation expert from the University of Washington – as our keynote speaker."

Learn more and sign up online or contact Natasha Duarte at 802-373-6499 or If Natasha Duarte is not available, contact Emma Stuhl at 802-622-4325 or


About the Department of Environmental Conservation

The Department of Environmental Conservation is responsible for protecting Vermont's natural resources and safeguarding human health for the benefit of this and future generations. Visit and follow the Department of Environmental Conservation on Facebook and Instagram.

About the Composting Association of Vermont

CAV was founded in 2002 with the support of the Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund and the Agency of Natural Resources Department of Environmental Conservation Waste Management Division (ANR/DEC) with the purpose and vision to build a thriving composting sector in Vermont. CAV promotes the production and use of compost as a vital link between soil health and sustainable agriculture and communities.

Attendees gather for a plenary session at the 2019 Vermont Organics Recycling Summit at Vermont Technical College in Randolph, Vt; the 2024 summit will convene at the Sally Fox Conference Center in Waterbury. Image credit: Composting Association of Vermont.

Master composter students discuss different community-scale compost systems at the Ludlow Area Community Garden in Ludlow, Vt. Image credit: Composting Association of Vermont.

Early Bird Registration is open! VORS 2024

Save the Dates! April 29-May 3, 2024

18th Annual Vermont Organics Recycling Summit

"COMPOST... Nature's Climate Champion!"

A series of virtual, hybrid & in-person events

The 2024 Vermont Organics Recycling Summit (VORS), a “kick-off” event one week before International Compost Awareness Week, will include an in-person program, with a hybrid morning plenary, on Monday, April 29th, in Waterbury, VT, followed by a virtual program from Tuesday, April 30 - May 3rd.

This year, VORS will highlight the many roles of composting and compost use in climate change adaptation through sequestering carbon in the soil, enhancing soil health, promoting sustainable agriculture practices, promoting water conservation, reducing reliance on synthetic fertilizers, and nurturing biodiversity. Local management of food scraps and organic resources empowers communities to take action and build resilience in the face of climate challenges. 

Registration fees for in-person participation include lunch and a Compost Mixer at Prohibition Pig Brewery, sponsored by Eco-products and Prohibition Pig!

All virtual events are free, but require registration!

Interested in sponsoring VORS? Email or call 802-373-6499

Request for feedback on draft on-farm composting rules

Attention agricultural service providers, farmers and community partners! 

Are you interested in learning more or providing input on on-farm composting? Farm to Plate's Food Cycle Community of Practice wants your feedback. 

A core group within the Food Cycle Community of Practice has been drafting recommended changes to on-farm composting rules included in Vermont's Required Agricultural Practices (per Act 41, 2021). The updated rules will directly impact farms' ability to both establish and grow existing composting efforts, a key climate change mitigation strategy that also improves farm production.

  • Everyone can view the FCC draft on-farm composting rules

  • Fill out this form to add your comments and questions - note that this document is intended to be used as a communication tool with VAAFM

  • Deadline for providing input: Friday, February 16th

If you're not comfortable within the Google Drive environment, please email or call Natasha ( | 802-373-6499) and we can work together on a different system to collect your input.

Below is a recorded informational webinar about this work and the process for providing feedback. The Food Cycle Community of Practice will host discussion sessions with VAAFM to discuss our proposed edits and additions.

Video chapters:

  • 00:00 Introduction to Food Cycle Community of Practice (FCC)

  • 02:59 FCC on-farm composting work to date

  • 11:03 System for collecting input & next steps

  • 24:04 Content highlight: waste vs resource

  • 26:52 Content highlight: soil health

  • 29:29 Content highlight: proposed on-farm composting rules

  • 41:10 Final thoughts

VORS 2024 Call for Presentations, Workshops, and Tours is open!

18th Annual Vermont Organics Recycling Summit

COMPOST… Nature’s Climate Champion!

April 29th-May 3rd, 2024

(a “kick off” event, one week before International Compost Awareness Week)

The 2024 Vermont Organics Recycling Summit (VORS) will be held from April 29th through May 3rd. As a kick-off event for International Compost Awareness Week (May 5th-11th), the VORS 2024 theme is Compost…Nature’s Climate Champion!

The Call for Presentations, Workshops, and tours is open!

Submission deadline:  Friday, January 12th, 2024

Are you passionate about the role of compost in climate change adaptation and sustainability? VORS 2024 will highlight the many roles of composting and compost use in climate change adaptation through sequestering carbon in the soil, enhancing soil health, promoting sustainable agriculture practices, promoting water conservation, reducing reliance on synthetic fertilizers, and nurturing biodiversity. Local management of food scraps and organic resources empowers communities to take action and build resilience in the face of climate challenges. 

All proposals related to these themes and organics management, composting, and compost use, in general, are welcome. See the table below for suggested topics. More than one proposal may be submitted online or by email to 

New in 2024: As part of our week-long event, we are bringing back a full day of in-person events! Monday’s program will include a hybrid plenary in the morning followed by lunch and in-person-only discussions, workshops and demonstrations; the day will conclude with a social networking event. Tuesday through Friday will be primarily virtual, with the possibility of some additional in-person afternoon events.

Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:

Please fill out this google form or download the RFP here and email it to

Submission deadline:  Friday, January 12th, 2024

Interested in exhibiting or sponsoring VORS 2023?

We have three levels of sponsorship available:

  1. “Black Gold” Sponsor: $1,500 (includes most prominent placement of logo/link and additional acknowledgement)

  2. Sustaining Sponsor: $500 (includes more prominent placement of logo/link)

  3. Exhibitor Sponsor: $200

Logos and website links for Sponsors are included in promotion, on event and organization websites, and through our social media. We estimate VORS annual electronic promotion reaches 10,000+ individuals.

For more information, contact

VORS is hosted by the Composting Association of Vermont and the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Environmental Conservation.

The Composting Association of Vermont (CAV) is a nonprofit organization that promotes organics recycling that protects and benefits the environment. 

The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Environmental Conservation (ANR/DEC) is dedicated to protecting and improving the health of Vermont’s people and ecosystems and promoting the sustainable use of Vermont’s natural resources.

Join us for our annual meeting

We hope you’ll join us for the annual CAV meeting!

In addition to some general Board business, we will discuss plans for VORS 2024, some exciting new projects, and our policy priorities for the new year.

When: Friday, December 8th, 2023

Where: Montpelier, VT

  • 9:30-12:30 Meeting & lunch (coffee, tea and finger food provided): North Branch Nature Center

  • 1:30-3:30 Vermont Compost Company Tour

Free registration is required so we can plan accordingly.

Compost “Tea Talk” - Healthy Soil is Alive! August 11 @ Noon

Press Release

August 2, 2023

Healthy Soil is Alive! Virtual On-Farm Community Compost Discussion

Curious about the invisible world of soil microorganisms? Join the Composting Association of Vermont (CAV) for its next Compost "Tea Talk" event on August 11th, from noon-1 pm, titled “As Above, So Below: A Whole Systems Perspective on Soil Ecology.”

Special guest Lynn Fang, a soil scientist who runs the Soil Sessions Community Microscopy program at LA Compost, will share a whole systems perspective of how aboveground design and management practices influence soil health, structure, and microbial ecology, and vice versa. We'll explore soil microbes and microscopy, and there will be plenty of time for Q&A and discussion.

Ms. Fang, who received her MS in Plant and Soil Science from the University of Vermont, specializes in soil and compost ecology for composting, regenerative farming, bioremediation, and native habitat restoration projects, integrating biological, chemical, and ecological indicators for a holistic view of soil health. Her Climatebase Founding Fellow Capstone Project: "SoilQuest: Soil Microbial Indicators of Carbon Sequestration," identified microbial origins of soil C content from genetic sequencing analysis.

CAV's free virtual events offer farmers and farm advisors opportunities to share information about on-farm food scrap composting and hear from experts on a range of topics. Funded by a USDA Rural Utility Services Solid Waste Management Grant Program, CAV's On-Farm Community-Scale Food Scrap and Agricultural Organic Waste Management in Vermont and New Hampshire involves working with seven small, diversified farms which have established compost operations and offer food scraps collection opportunities in their communities.

Register for this free event on August 11 on Eventbrite.

This webinar will be recorded and posted on a web-based multimedia toolkit which provides technical support and training for community-oriented food scrap composting and manure management on farms in rural and small communities throughout the U.S. at

The Compost "Tea Talks" recordings and topic-centered videos can be found on the CAV YouTube channel

Compost "Tea Talk" - Heat Recovery from Composting on June 16 @ noon

You are invited to participate in the Compost "Tea Talks" series - online trainings and discussions to support community-oriented on-farm food scrap composting.

In June, we'll be learning about Heat Recovery from Composting

You're finally reaching those hot composting temps and realize that you could do a lot with all that heat if you could capture and redirect it... Have you been wondering how to do this?

Join us on Friday, June 16th at noon to learn about the opportunities and challenges that come with different scales of compost heat recovery systems, from do-it-yourself to state-of-the-art. Special guests Brian Jerose and Jason McCune-Sanders of Agrilab Technologies join us to share their wealth of experience and knowledge!

Register (for free) on Eventbrite. 

This session will also be recorded and shared afterwards at

These learning events are free and open to everyone - so please share this announcement with anyone who you think might be interested.

Jumping Worms, Plastic & PFAS - Oh my! How can I know that the compost I buy is okay to use?

Compost has been in the news, and not all the press is good. There are concerns about invasive worms, PFAS, and other potential contaminants. You might find yourself wondering: How can I know that the compost I buy is okay?

A wise consumer knows what to look for and what questions to ask. We'll arm you with information based on science and outline all the benefits we collectively share when we keep food scraps out of landfills and in compost systems - and use compost in our gardens and yards.

Check out these new resources to help you find your way:

Vermont Organics Recycling Summit Celebrates Healthy Soil and Local Food Systems


This spring, leaders and learners from across the state will come together for the 17th annual Vermont Organics Recycling Summit (VORS). This year’s theme, “For Healthier Soil, Healthier Food...COMPOST!” celebrates the value of compost and organics recycling and the many ways they support regenerative agriculture, the health of the environment, communities, and the economy.

The summit, organized by the Composting Association of Vermont (CAV) and the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources, gathers people statewide to discuss creative ways to keep organics out of the trash and transform them into valuable products.

“When communities keep food scraps and other organic materials out of the trash, they support green businesses and jobs, reduce the need for landfills, cut greenhouse gas emissions, and produce compost, which has restorative soil properties,” said Department of Environmental Conservation Commissioner John Beling.

The free online and in-person events take place from May 1-5, 2023. Attendees will learn about  topics like on-farm composting, organics diversion, maximizing the value of finished compost, a Kitchen-to-Compost tour at Philo Ridge Farm, and more.

“The summit aims to help Vermonters and regional partners meet the state’s organics diversion, food rescue, and food scrap recycling goals,” said Natasha Duarte, the Director of the Composting Association of Vermont.

“We have more than a dozen events scheduled, including two in-person events, that celebrate the value of compost and the many ways it supports the health of the environment and resilient communities,” said Duarte. “We’re especially excited to have Brenda Platt, from the Institute of Local Self-Reliance, give the keynote this year.”

“Efforts to keep edible food out of the garbage can also put more food on the tables of families in need,” said Josh Kelly, the Solid Waste Program Manager in the Agency of Natural Resources. “For example, many grocery stores now partner with the Vermont Foodbank to send edible food to people instead of throwing it away.”

Learn more about VORS or register online at or contact Natasha Duarte at or 802-373-6499. Find out how to prevent food waste and compost the scraps at

Thursday 2/2 @ Noon - Compost Conversation: Policy Priorities

We are beginning the CAV Compost Conversations series again, and hope that this year we will be able to provide a mix of virtual and in-person events.

Our first Conversation is Thursday, February 2nd, from noon-1pm. We will be outlining CAV's policy work, setting priorities for this year, and looking ahead to some medium-term goals. This one will be virtual, via Zoom.

Email Natasha to learn how to participate.

Call for Presentations, Workshops, and Tours for the 17th Vermont Organics Recycling Summit

17th Annual Vermont Organics Recycling Summit

For Healthier Soil, Healthier Food…Compost!

May 1-5, 2023

To be held virtually, with some in-person workshops and tours

Submission Deadline: Monday, January 16th, 2023

The 2023 Vermont Organics Recycling Summit (VORS) will be held from May 1st through May 5th, and will include a variety of virtual events (webinars, facilitated online discussion groups, etc.) as well as in-person events around Vermont. This year VORS will be celebrating healthy soil and local food systems - highlighting the value of compost and organics recycling, and the many ways it supports regenerative agriculture, the health of the environment, people, and the economy. See the table below for suggested thematic topics.

To supplement the virtual VORS experience, we hope to include small in-person events across the state. Any such events will be compliant with State and CDC COVID-19 guidelines at that time and may include open houses, tours, or workshops/demonstrations. 

All composting & organics recycling professionals; researchers and educators; government officials; planners; community & business leaders; consultants; contractors; students; and advocates are encouraged to submit a proposal. More than one proposal may be submitted online or by email to

We have adopted the International Compost Awareness Week (ICAW) theme, but VORS will take place the week before ICAW, as a "kick-off" series of events. 

Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:

Please fill out this google form or submit a proposal containing the following information by email to

  1.  Proposed Title of Presentation

  2. Speaker(s) Name, Affiliation, Address, Email, and Phone Number

  3. Proposal type: □10-20 min (virtual panelist), □90 min (virtual session/workshop), □In-person event, □other

  4. 3-4 sentence biography of speaker(s) / host(s)

  5. 5 sentences describing the presentation content or proposal

  6. Prior speaking experience; has presentation been done at other conferences?

  7. If available, sample PowerPoint of presentation

  8. Preference, if any, for morning or afternoon time slot  

  9. Are you willing to have the session recording and a pdf of your presentation posted after the Summit? 

  10. Additional presentation information

Thank you for your interest in the 2023 Vermont Organics Recycling Summit.

*Presentations that primarily promote for-profit technologies or services are discouraged. 

Submission deadline:  Monday, January 16th, 2023

Submit proposals online or by email to

 For more information, contact Natasha Duarte at 802-373-6499 or

You're invited to a field trip to Sunrise Farm on October 19 from 4-6pm

Image from

The Food Cycle Coalition is organizing a field trip to Sunrise Farm in White River Junction for an in-person gathering:

  • Wednesday October 19th, from 4-6 pm

The field trip will include:

Read a short case study about the partnership between Sunrise Farm and Willow Tree Community Composting in the Food Cycle Coalition's "Partnering Communities and Farms - A Regulatory and Start-Up Guide for On-Farm Food Scrap Composting" (pages 20-21)!

This is a FREE event, but we are requiring registration so we can plan accordingly.

This event will take place largely - if not entirely - outside, so please dress accordingly!

If you have questions, please contact

On-Farm Composting Virtual “Compost Tea Talk” August 5th!

On-Farm Food Scrap Composting and Solid Waste Regulations

You are invited to participate in the "Compost Tea Talks" series - online trainings and discussions to support community-oriented on-farm food scrap composting.

This month we will be discussing the relevant Solid Waste Management rules with guests:

  • Ben Gauthier from VT Department of Environmental Conservation, and

  • Mike Nork and Paige Wilson form NH Department of Environmental Services

Do you know how Solid Waste Rules apply to on-farm food scrap composting in Vermont and New Hampshire? This will be an informal Q&A session, so be sure to bring your questions!

When: Friday August 5th from noon-1pm

Where: Register for this free event to get the Zoom link

Funded by a USDA Rural Utility Services Solid Waste Management Grant, the purpose of this project is to reduce solid waste, avoid water pollution, and increase soil health by providing technical support and training for community-oriented food scrap composting and manure management on farms in rural and small communities in Vermont and New Hampshire.

While developed and extended to farmers in these two states, these Compost Tea Talks are open to all and are applicable to rural small-scale farming communities. Recordings of the Compost Tea Talks will be posted on

On-Farm Composting Virtual “Compost Tea Talk”

Press Release

June 6 2022

On-Farm Composting Virtual “Compost Tea Talk”

The Composting Association of Vermont (CAV) is hosting its first in a series of “Compost Tea Talks” on Friday June 10th from noon-1pm. These free virtual events are being offered through CAV’s project—On-Farm Community-Scale Food Scrap and Agricultural Organic Waste Management in Vermont and New Hampshire. The Compost Tea Talks will be an opportunity for farmers and farm advisors to share information about on-farm food scraps composting and hear from experts on a range of topics.

Funded by a USDA Rural Utility Services Solid Waste Management Grant Program, CAV’s project offers participating farms and communities a cost-effective solution for diverting food and organic waste to composting and improving manure management, resulting in significant benefits including: 1) solid waste diversion; 2) the use of compost for farming, 3) exploring the use of compost for meeting erosion control applications; 4) helping to create a more “waste-aware” mindset through local management, diversion, and composting of food scraps and other organic materials; 5) increasing adoption of creative food recovery to benefit communities and build resiliency; 6) diversifying farm income streams for increased farm viability.

The project involves four small, diversified farms from Vermont and four from New Hampshire; all are located in towns under 6,000 in population. Project components include a multimedia ‘toolkit’ for both farmers and community members about how to establish and sustain community-based composting sites on farms; vIrtual and onsite, hands-on technical assistance and support for the management of food scrap and agricultural organic waste through community-oriented composting sites on farms; and, remote, local and regional trainings covering all aspects of community food scrap and agricultural organic waste composting.

Registration is required for the free June 10th event. The topic will be Troubleshooting On-Farm Food Scrap Composting.

More information about the project, as well as links to project resources and a recording of an On-Farm Community-Oriented Composting Models and Systems Webinar training are available on the CAV website. The virtual Compost Tea Talks will be held approximately every 4-6 weeks.

Franklin County Compost OPEN HOUSE AND TOUR Friday, May 20 - 10am to Noon

Magnan Brothers Dairy LLC/Magnan Bros. Fertilizer and Agrilab Technologies Inc. are making several farm-made compost and blended products called Franklin County Compost

The new composting site is at the Magnan Brothers Dairy’s Burnor Farm location –

4883 Route 36, Fairfield, VT 05455 (across from Fairfield Town Garage and Fire Department)

Topics to be covered: The Vermont Phosphorus Innovation Challenge (VPIC) – updates on technologies and new business enterprises from two teams, Agrilab Technologies inc. and Digested Organics LLC, developing means to reduce phosphorus (P) runoff into Lake Champlain and other waterways through specialized composts, mulch and concentrate blends, and advanced filtration.

Tour of on-farm compost aeration and heat recovery (CAHR) system and equipment, the AGT Compost Hot Box 250-8RD ,and demonstration gardens.

11am press conference with Anson Tebbetts, Secretary, VT Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets; Julie Moore, Secretary, VT Agency of Natural Resources, Lindsay Kurrle, Secretary VT Agency of Commerce and Community Development; Marty Magnan, Mark Magnan, Magnan Brothers Dairy, Brian Jerose, Agrilab Technologies, Inc.; Eric Stoermer, President, Digested Organics, LLC

Display and discussion of current products and other blends to be available 2022 and others in development. Information about compost benefits for building soil organic matter, improving physical soil properties and providing fertility, the importance of reducing phosphorus and sediment runoff, and other practices to restoring water quality in local streams, rivers and Lake Champlain.

Please RSVP to or call (802) 370-4774