Using compost to improve water quality in the Lake Champlain Basin
/Soil Builders - Education for Action
The Composting Association of Vermont and Compost for Good are hosting two FREE workshops on Wednesday, April 2nd, 2025, in Whallonsburg, NY
10:00 AM - Noon:
Healthy Soils, Clean Waters: A Watershed Approach to Protecting the Lake Champlain Basin explores the vital connections between soil health and water quality. This workshop highlights practical strategies that Soil and Water Conservation Districts, community-based watershed groups, and engaged citizens can implement in their communities to reduce erosion, improve soil structure, and safeguard local waterways.
1:00-3:00 pm
Restoring the Soil: Best Practices for Erosion Control & Revegetation, led by Charles Duprey of Naturcycle, focuses on best management practices for erosion control and revegetation in yards, fields, on banks and hillsides, and in road-side ditches (1 LACES CEUs).
Both workshops will take place at the Whallonsburg Grange Hall (1610 NYS Route 22 Whallonsburg, NY)
Light refreshments provided.
Join us for one or both of these learning opportunities! Both workshops are open to all.
For more information, contact Natasha Duarte at 802-373-6499 or