Compost "Tea Talk" - Heat Recovery from Composting on June 16 @ noon

You are invited to participate in the Compost "Tea Talks" series - online trainings and discussions to support community-oriented on-farm food scrap composting.

In June, we'll be learning about Heat Recovery from Composting

You're finally reaching those hot composting temps and realize that you could do a lot with all that heat if you could capture and redirect it... Have you been wondering how to do this?

Join us on Friday, June 16th at noon to learn about the opportunities and challenges that come with different scales of compost heat recovery systems, from do-it-yourself to state-of-the-art. Special guests Brian Jerose and Jason McCune-Sanders of Agrilab Technologies join us to share their wealth of experience and knowledge!

Register (for free) on Eventbrite. 

This session will also be recorded and shared afterwards at

These learning events are free and open to everyone - so please share this announcement with anyone who you think might be interested.