Call for Presentations, Workshops, and Tours for the 17th Vermont Organics Recycling Summit

17th Annual Vermont Organics Recycling Summit

For Healthier Soil, Healthier Food…Compost!

May 1-5, 2023

To be held virtually, with some in-person workshops and tours

Submission Deadline: Monday, January 16th, 2023

The 2023 Vermont Organics Recycling Summit (VORS) will be held from May 1st through May 5th, and will include a variety of virtual events (webinars, facilitated online discussion groups, etc.) as well as in-person events around Vermont. This year VORS will be celebrating healthy soil and local food systems - highlighting the value of compost and organics recycling, and the many ways it supports regenerative agriculture, the health of the environment, people, and the economy. See the table below for suggested thematic topics.

To supplement the virtual VORS experience, we hope to include small in-person events across the state. Any such events will be compliant with State and CDC COVID-19 guidelines at that time and may include open houses, tours, or workshops/demonstrations. 

All composting & organics recycling professionals; researchers and educators; government officials; planners; community & business leaders; consultants; contractors; students; and advocates are encouraged to submit a proposal. More than one proposal may be submitted online or by email to

We have adopted the International Compost Awareness Week (ICAW) theme, but VORS will take place the week before ICAW, as a "kick-off" series of events. 

Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:

Please fill out this google form or submit a proposal containing the following information by email to

  1.  Proposed Title of Presentation

  2. Speaker(s) Name, Affiliation, Address, Email, and Phone Number

  3. Proposal type: □10-20 min (virtual panelist), □90 min (virtual session/workshop), □In-person event, □other

  4. 3-4 sentence biography of speaker(s) / host(s)

  5. 5 sentences describing the presentation content or proposal

  6. Prior speaking experience; has presentation been done at other conferences?

  7. If available, sample PowerPoint of presentation

  8. Preference, if any, for morning or afternoon time slot  

  9. Are you willing to have the session recording and a pdf of your presentation posted after the Summit? 

  10. Additional presentation information

Thank you for your interest in the 2023 Vermont Organics Recycling Summit.

*Presentations that primarily promote for-profit technologies or services are discouraged. 

Submission deadline:  Monday, January 16th, 2023

Submit proposals online or by email to

 For more information, contact Natasha Duarte at 802-373-6499 or