19th Annual Vermont Organics Recycling Summit
Sustainable Communities Begin with Compost!
April 30-May 1, 2025
Held as a kick-off event for International Compost Awareness Week (ICAW)
Composting is essential to effective resource management, empowering communities to locally manage organic materials, create job opportunities, and enrich local soils with nutrient-rich compost. By turning organic materials into valuable compost, we regenerate the soil, reduce landfill waste, and support healthier food systems for everyone. Composting is accessible to all, whether you have a garden, a large community project, or a commercial or municipal facility. Join us to explore how compost can drive a sustainable future for communities everywhere! VORS 2025 will spotlight composting as a powerful tool for sustainable communities, adaptable to all scales—from backyard composters and community initiatives to large-scale facilities.
The 2025 Summit will be held on Wednesday, April 30th, at the Randolph campus of Vermont State University (formerly VTC). The day will include a hybrid plenary in the morning followed by lunch and in-person-only sessions; the day will conclude with a social networking event nearby. On Thursday, May 1st, we plan to offer a variety of tours, field trips and in-person workshops concurrently across Vermont.
As VORS returns to an in-person program, CAV remains committed to making the content as accessible as possible. The morning plenary will be available via Zoom as well as in-person. ORCA Media will record both the morning hybrid plenary and in-person-only sessions which will allow us to share content after the Summit!
2025 Keynote from Michael Martinez
Michael is a certified Master Gardener, a former elementary school teacher, and the Founder and Executive Director of L.A Compost. Michael has over 8 years of experience building gardens and compost systems throughout the County of Los Angeles as well as other parts of the country. Michael has grown LA Compost from a group of volunteers collecting organics with bikes to a decentralized network of community compost hubs that span across the most populated county in the country.
Special thanks to:
Author James McSweeney will be signing and selling his book, Community-Scale Composting Systems, from 1:00-1:45pm in the Judd Hall. The book is in many ways a homage to the inspiring past, present, and future of composting in Vermont and profits will be donated to the Compost Association of Vermont.
Thanks to our sustaining sponsors!
Thanks to our sponsors!
Sponsor the 2025 Vermont Organics Recycling Summit (VORS)!
Join us as a sponsor for VORS 2025 and showcase your commitment to composting and sustainable communities!
With the Summit fully back in person this year, we’re offering an exciting opportunity for sponsors to support the recording of in-person sessions. All levels of sponsorship are invited to tack on an additional amount to ensure valuable content can be shared beyond the event, which will also maximize your visibility through the recorded content. For more information, contact Natasha@CompostingVermont.org
All sponsors receive logo and website link promotion on event materials, our website, and social media. Our electronic outreach reaches 10,000+ individuals annually!
Sponsorship Levels:
✅ Media Sponsor – $2,500
• Headline recognition & top logo/link placement
• Exhibitor table
• Four complimentary registrations
✅ “Black Gold” Sponsor – $1,500
• Prominent logo/link placement & additional recognition
• Exhibitor table
• Four complimentary registrations
✅ Sustaining Sponsor – $500
• Enhanced logo/link placement
• Exhibitor table
• Two complimentary registrations
✅ Sponsor/Exhibitor – $200
• Logo/link placement
• Exhibitor table
• One complimentary registration
2024 International Compost Awareness Week posters from students in Dr. Deb Neher’s Compost Ecology and Management class.
Click on the posters to read about the students’ inspiration for their creations.
Special thanks to Eco-Products and Prohibition Pig for sponsoring our 2024 “Compost Mixer” at Prohibition Pig Brewery in Waterbury, VT.
Thanks to our 2024 sponsors and exhibitors!
VORS is hosted by the Composting Association of Vermont and the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Environmental Conservation.
The Composting Association of Vermont (CAV) is a nonprofit organization that promotes organics recycling that protects and benefits the environment.
The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Environmental Conservation (ANR/DEC) is dedicated to protecting and improving the health of Vermont’s people and ecosystems and promoting the sustainable use of Vermont’s natural resources.