2024 International Compost Awareness Week posters from students in Dr. Deb Neher’s Compost Ecology and Management class.

Click on the posters to read about the students’ inspiration for their creations.

Special thanks to Eco-Products and Prohibition Pig for sponsoring our Monday “Compost Mixer” at Prohibition Pig Brewery in Waterbury, VT.

Thanks to our sponsors and exhibitors!


Learn what the Produce Safety Rule means for your business.


Thanks to our food sponsors!

Interested in sponsoring VORS 2024?

We have three levels of sponsorship available:

  1. “Black Gold” Sponsor: $1,500 (includes most prominent placement of logo/link and additional acknowledgement; includes table, four comp'ed registration fees)

  2. Sustaining Sponsor: $500 (includes more prominent placement of logo/link; includes table, two comp'ed registration fees)

  3. Sponsor/Exhibitor: $200 (includes table, one comp'ed registration fee)

Logos and website links for Sponsors are included in promotion, on event and organization websites, and through our social media. We estimate VORS annual electronic promotion reaches 10,000+ individuals.

For more information, contact Natasha@CompostingVermont.org

VORS is hosted by the Composting Association of Vermont and the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Environmental Conservation.

The Composting Association of Vermont (CAV) is a nonprofit organization that promotes organics recycling that protects and benefits the environment. 

The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Environmental Conservation (ANR/DEC) is dedicated to protecting and improving the health of Vermont’s people and ecosystems and promoting the sustainable use of Vermont’s natural resources.