Archive of Older Presentations from VORS
2012 -Soil and Water: The Compost Connection, March 29, 2012
We apologize, no powerpoints from 2012 are available.
2011 -Building Our Composting Future, March 31, 2011
Community-Based Social Marketing (CBSM): Strategies for Sustainable Behavior Change by Patricia Higgins, Upper Valley Transportation Management Association
Changing Habits at City Hall, Burlington Vermont by Sandrine Thibault, City of Burlington Planning Department and Michele Morris, Chittenden Solid Waste District
Vermont Business Materials Exchange by Mary Ann Remolador, VBMX
Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility by Joanna Dillon, VBSR
Using Food Scraps as an Agricultural Resource by Tom Gilbert, Highfields Center for Composting
Implementing In-Vessel Composting Systems for Institutions, Schools, Resorts and Communities by Bob Spencer, AICP, Consultant, Contributing Editor, BioCycle Magazine
2010 – Gaining Ground: Building Soil and Community, April 1, 2010
Keynote Speaker: Nora Goldstein, BioCycle
Closing the Loop: Community Composting by Tom Gilbert and Josh Kelly, Highfields Center for Composting
Compostable Packaging- Creating a Sustainable Food Service program: Part II by David Hughes, Foley Distributing; Eric Paris, Tamarlane Farms; and Dan Goossen, Chittenden Solid Waste District
Vermont Compost/Biogas Data Finder Demonstration – Barbara Patterson, Stone Environmental, Inc.
Community Planning for Composting – Energy, Biomass, Land Use and Food Planning – Robert DeGeus, Vermont Dept. of Fish and Wildlife; Brian Jerose, WASTE NOT Resource Solutions; Brian Shupe, Vermont Natural Resource Council
The Connection between Carbon Offsets and Organics Diversion by Patrick Wood, AgRefresh
Organics Diversion and Climate Action Planning by Jon Griesser, Spring Hill Solutions
Uses of Compost for Stormwater Management and Erosion Control, Buzz Ferver, Compost Consultant
2009 -From Waste to Resources: The Future of Organics, March 31, 2009
2009 Program Brochure
Plenary Panel: Exploring the Uses of Organic Materials in Vermont
Brian Jerose, WASTE NOT Resources; Elaine Wang, Community Climate Action; Avram Patt, Washington Electric Coop; and Adam Sherman, BioMass Energy Resource Center (BERC)
Notes from Policy Discussion Roundtable: Highest and Best Use of Organics
Vision and Values, Stakeholder Categories
Criteria to develop state-wide policy:
Townie’s; City/Large Towns; Rural Non-agriculture; and Rural Agriculture
2008 – Compost, Community & the Carbon Cycle, April 1, 2008, Vermont Technical College
2007 – FIRST ANNUAL VORS: Gearing Up for the Challenge, March 29, 2007, Montpelier, VT
Note: if you ever were a VORS presenter and would like to publish your presentation here, please send us your PDF file.