Closing the Gap to 2020
12th Vermont Organics Recycling Summit
Thursday April 5th, 2018
Vermont Technical College, Randolph, VT
State of the State Josh Kelly, Materials Management Section Chief, ANR, Solid Waste Program
Keynote: An Organics Recycling Journey Nora Goldstein, Editor of BioCycle, the Organics Recycling Authority
Morning Workshops
M1. Hauler’s Roundtable
M2. Business Strategies: Firsthand Experiences with Organics Diversion
M3. Approaching 2020: How Schools, Towns and the Food Recovery Hierarchy Can Close the Gap on Organics Management, Sarah McGraw and Cindy Sterling, Northeast Resource Recovery Association
M4. The Latest Science on Using Compost for Stormwater Treatment
Stephanie Hurley, Department of Plant and Soil Science, University of Vermont
Eric Roy, Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources, University of Vermont
Lunchtime session
The Role of Organics Recycling in Vermont’s Food System
Afternoon Workshops
A1. Hauling Food Scraps – Central Vermont’s transition from Public to Private Enterprise, Lisa Ransom, Grow Compost and
Bruce Westcott, Central Vermont Solid Waste Management District
A2. Vermont-Scale Community Composting: Success Strategies from Early Adopters, Chris Adams and Sheryl Rapée-Adams, The Garden at 485 Elm, Cassandra Hemenway, Central Vermont Solid Waste Management District, and Libby Weiland, Vermont Community Garden Network
A3. Working From the Top: Creative Ways to Reduce Wasted Food in Businesses and Institutions, Carl Diethelm, Green Mountain College, Emily Portman, UVM Dining, and Renee Stearns, Center for EcoTechnology
BONUS: Read a summary and conclusions from this workshop, prepared by Carl Diethelm
A4. Beyond Rain Gardens: Advancing the Use of Compost for Green Infrastructure, Low Impact Development, and Stormwater Management