VORS 2020 Call for Presentations and Workshops
/“2020 and Beyond”
14th Annual Vermont Organics Recycling Summit (VORS)
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Vermont Technical College, Randolph Center, Vermont
Submission Deadline Extended: Monday, December 2nd, 2019
The Vermont Organics Recycling Summit offers eight (8) workshop/presentation sessions on topics related to food rescue and the recycling of organic materials such as food scraps, manures, food processing residuals and yard debris. This invitation to submit presentation abstracts is for composting & organics recycling professionals; researchers and educators; government officials; planners; community & business leaders; consultants; contractors; and advocates.
Suggested topics include but are not limited to:
Do you have ideas for a special way to mark reaching the 2020 milestone?
Compost production & management
Food rescue: strategies & stories
Erosion & nutrient management
Policy related to organics recycling
Waste reduction
Source separation success stories
Community composting
Compost product end uses
Outreach & education strategies
Feedstocks: supply; quality control, …
Compost technologies & systems
Compost quality & market development
Commercial & residential collection
Research & case studies
Implementing universal recycling/ Act 148
Energy recovery, anaerobic digestion
Please submit a one-page abstract (MS Word format), containing the following information:
1) Proposed Title of Presentation
2) Speaker(s) Name, Affiliation, Address, Email, and Phone Number
3) 3-4 sentence biography of speaker(s)
4) 5 sentences describing the presentation content
5) Prior speaking experience; has presentation been done at other conferences?
6) If available, sample PowerPoint of presentation
7) Presentation length options: □ 10-20 min (panelist), □ 90 min (workshop), □ other
8) Preference, if any, for morning or afternoon time slot
9) Are you willing to to have a pdf of your presentation posted after the Summit?
10) Additional presentation information
Thank you for your interest in the 2020 Vermont Organics Recycling Summit.
Note: Presenters receive free admission to the Summit.
*Presentations that primarily promote for-profit technologies or services are discouraged.
Submission deadline: Monday, November 25th, 2019
Submit proposals to: Natasha@CompostingVermont.org