Save the Date! Tuesday, April 7, 2020*

14th Annual Vermont Organics Recycling Summit

“2020 and Beyond”

At VTC in Randolph, VT


The Vermont Organics Recycling Summit (VORS) has helped advance organics and food scrap diversion in Vermont forward for over a decade. VORS provides a statewide forum to think boldly, learn, and network about transforming food waste and other organic materials into valuable products.

We have reached 2020, and the ban on landfilling organics that Vermonters have been gearing up for comes into effect this July! To help promote “2020 and Beyond”, this year’s Summit will include sessions on the use of compost products for storm water management, organics hauling, research, and outreach models to help communities and residents meet the State’s organics diversion, food rescue, and food scrap recycling goals.

The one-day Summit at Vermont Technical College in Randolph features a morning plenary with a State of the State by Josh Kelly, ANR/DEC’s Materials Management Section Chief, and a Keynote (to be announced shortly), followed by four concurrent morning and afternoon workshops.

Continental breakfast, lunch and afternoon ice cream social are included in the registration fee.

Registration Opens February 18th

Sponsor and Exhibitor information online or by contacting

VORS is hosted by the Composting Association of Vermont and the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Environmental Conservation.

The Composting Association of Vermont (CAV) is a nonprofit organization. It promotes organics recycling that protects and benefits the environment. The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Environmental Conservation (ANR/DEC) is dedicated to protecting and improving the health of Vermont’s people and ecosystems and promoting the sustainable use of Vermont’s natural resources.

*Please note the day has switched from the first Thursday in April, to the first Tuesday (April 7) for this year.