Pandemic sees growth in compost sales
/Crews work at the compost site at Windham Solid Waste on Monday, May 4, 2020
Chris Mays of the Brattleboro Reformer reported on the increase in compost sales on May 4, 2020.
BRATTLEBORO — In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, compost sales are growing at Windham Solid Waste Management District.
"We are selling more compost than ever," said Bob Spencer, the district's executive director. "There's a really increased demand right now."
Brattlegrow Compost, the district's product made of local food scraps, is sold to retailers buying 10 cubic yards or more. Spencer said a typical load is 15 to 20 cubic yards.
Looking at the last four months of revenue versus the same period last year, the district is up by more than $10,000. Spencer attributes most of the increase to compost sales in the last two months.