Get Persistent Herbicides Out of Our Compost!
/Guest blogger Ali Drew
We all need to work together to get persistent herbicides (PH) out of our compost. Clopyralid Herbicide is a persistent herbicide that is entering our composting facilities from different sources beyond our control. This poses a significant risk to our composting industry.
The US Composting Council (USCC) put together this short video explaining the issue, and outlining steps we each can take.
How can you help?
Please educate yourself on this issue and act to inform the EPA to make changes in this product’s registration!
On July 6th the US EPA will close its comment period for Pesticide Registration Review.
This is our opportunity to flood the US EPA with comments in favor of the following action items:
Limit the use of these herbicides to non-harvested crops.
Change the registration process to include standards for use and restrictions before it can be re registered for use.
Develop affordable testing methods in compost
Assign liability to all members of the supply chain that distribute and apply these products
Prohibit all retail sales.
This cannot come just from the USCC. We need the EPA to receive hundreds of comments to make sure the compost industry is heard.
Click the link below to personalize your comments to the EPA, including the above proposed action items.