On-Farm Composting Virtual “Compost Tea Talk”
/Press Release
June 6 2022
On-Farm Composting Virtual “Compost Tea Talk”
The Composting Association of Vermont (CAV) is hosting its first in a series of “Compost Tea Talks” on Friday June 10th from noon-1pm. These free virtual events are being offered through CAV’s project—On-Farm Community-Scale Food Scrap and Agricultural Organic Waste Management in Vermont and New Hampshire. The Compost Tea Talks will be an opportunity for farmers and farm advisors to share information about on-farm food scraps composting and hear from experts on a range of topics.
Funded by a USDA Rural Utility Services Solid Waste Management Grant Program, CAV’s project offers participating farms and communities a cost-effective solution for diverting food and organic waste to composting and improving manure management, resulting in significant benefits including: 1) solid waste diversion; 2) the use of compost for farming, 3) exploring the use of compost for meeting erosion control applications; 4) helping to create a more “waste-aware” mindset through local management, diversion, and composting of food scraps and other organic materials; 5) increasing adoption of creative food recovery to benefit communities and build resiliency; 6) diversifying farm income streams for increased farm viability.
The project involves four small, diversified farms from Vermont and four from New Hampshire; all are located in towns under 6,000 in population. Project components include a multimedia ‘toolkit’ for both farmers and community members about how to establish and sustain community-based composting sites on farms; vIrtual and onsite, hands-on technical assistance and support for the management of food scrap and agricultural organic waste through community-oriented composting sites on farms; and, remote, local and regional trainings covering all aspects of community food scrap and agricultural organic waste composting.
Registration is required for the free June 10th event. The topic will be Troubleshooting On-Farm Food Scrap Composting.
More information about the project, as well as links to project resources and a recording of an On-Farm Community-Oriented Composting Models and Systems Webinar training are available on the CAV website. The virtual Compost Tea Talks will be held approximately every 4-6 weeks.