Changing Lives Through Compost,
One Scrap at a Time
At the end of 2019, the Composting Association of Vermont worked with Paul and Windsong Kervick to create a 2020 “Food Scrap Story” calendar. The calendar features photographs of interesting designs that emerged in their food scrap bucket. The photographs from the calendar will form the basis of an art show at the Charlotte Senior Center once they are able to re-open for in-person events.
Inspired by what she saw in her grandmother’s calendar, 4 year-old Neoma Y. created her own food scrap art:
Motivated by all this creativity, we are launching a State-wide Challenge for Senior Citizens and Young People to create or co-create art from food scraps and yard waste.
With the goal of increasing our collective understanding about food waste and the idea that organics are a resource, best managed locally, the Challenge will be formally launched during the 2021 Vermont Organics Recycling Summit (May 3-7).
We’ll be sharing photo submissions on our website and through social media.
Photo submissions received by November 1, 2021 will be considered for the 2022 calendar.
All submissions received March 2022 will be showcased during the 2022 Summit.
Send your submission to
Project Partners:
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