The Compost Working Group (CWG) was formed in the spring of 2014 as a venue for regulators and composters to address compost production and market development policy issues in a collaborative, timely way.

Group Purpose

With the role of composting in Universal Recycling (Act 148), the State needs ongoing coordinated attention to production and market issues such as persistent herbicides, contaminants in feedstocks, and compost quality, as well as outreach education about the use of compost products to improve water quality and soil health.

The Agency of Natural Resources (ANR) Solid Waste program provides administrative support for the Working Group. Participants include regulators from the Agency of Agriculture, Farms and Markets (AAFM) and ANR, a Farm-to-Plate representative, and several commercial composters. The group was originally formed to respond to persistent herbicide issues and contaminants of all kinds.

Minutes from CWG Meetings

March 2014
June 2014
November 2014

For more information about the CWG, contact:

Natasha Duarte, CAV Director,,
802-373-6499 , or

Josh Kelly, ANR, Solid Waste Program Section Chief,