Food Cycle Coalition Meeting + discussion about Microplastics, Depack, and Composting in Vermont

Wednesday, December 15th from 2-4:30pm

This FREE meeting will be held in two parts:

  1. 2-3pm: Updates on recent Food Cycle Coalition work and developing the 2022 work plan

  2. 3-4:30pm: A special session on "Microplastics, Depack, and Composting in Vermont" with UVM's Dr. Eric Roy and graduate students, Kate Porterfield and Sarah Hobson

You are welcome to attend one or both parts of this meeting!

Learn more and register for this free event.

VORS 2022 call for presentations, workshops, & small group in-person events

16th Annual Vermont Organics Recycling Summit

2022 Theme: Recipe for Regeneration: Compost

May 2-6, 2022 (as part of International Compost Awareness Week)

To be held virtually, with small in-person events if possible

Submission Deadline: Monday, January 17th, 2022

The 2022 Vermont Organics Recycling Summit (VORS), held in conjunction with International Compost Awareness Week, will include a variety of virtual events (webinars, facilitated online discussion groups, etc.). This year VORS will be celebrating the value of compost and organics recycling, and the many ways it supports regenerative agriculture, the health of the environment, the people and the economy. ​​The call for presentations supporting these benefits of compost is open. See the table below for suggested topics.

To supplement the virtual VORS experience, there is also the potential opportunity for small group, outdoor, in-person events to occur regionally across the state. Any such events will be compliant with State and CDC COVID-19 guidelines for events at that time and may include open houses, tours, or workshops/demonstrations. 

All composting & organics recycling professionals; researchers and educators; government officials; planners; community & business leaders; consultants; contractors; students and advocates are encouraged to submit a proposal. More than one proposal may be submitted (online or by email to 

Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:

Please fill out this google form or submit a proposal by email to containing the following information:

  1. Proposed Title of Presentation

  2. Speaker(s) Name, Affiliation, Address, Email, and Phone Number

  3. Proposal type: □10-20 min (virtual panelist), □ 90 min (virtual session/workshop),  □ In-person event, □ other

  4. 3-4 sentence biography of speaker(s) / host(s)

  5. 5 sentences describing the presentation content or proposal

  6. Prior speaking experience; has presentation been done at other conferences?

  7. If available, sample PowerPoint of presentation

  8. Preference, if any, for morning or afternoon time slot   

  9. Are you willing to have the session recording and a pdf of your presentation posted after the Summit?  

  10. Additional presentation information

Thank you for your interest in the 2022 Vermont Organics Recycling Summit.
*Presentations that primarily promote for-profit technologies or services are discouraged. 

Submission deadline:  Monday, January 17th, 2022

Proposals not submitted through the Google form should be sent to:

For more information, contact Natasha Duarte at 802-373-6499 or

Monday 12/13: CAV Meeting from 1-4pm

When: Monday, December 13th from 1:00-4:00 pm

Where: Via Zoom*


  • Learn more about recent changes at the Hartland organics management facility (Guest: Tom Kennedy)

  • Updates on CAV projects

  • CAV Business meeting

A detailed agenda will be circulated in early December!

Interested in joining the CAV Board of Directors?

CAV seeks to cultivate a committed Board that is representative of the diverse landscape of compost issues across Vermont. To that end, CAV is seeking prospective board members to fill vacancies on its current Board of Directors. CAV is specifically seeking enthusiastic individuals who have a passion for composting, soil health and building resilient communities and who also possess skills such as organization, leadership, strategic thinking, fundraising, creativity, policy and outreach education. Board members are appointed at the December CAV meeting. Learn more here.

*Contact Natasha to request zoom information

Free webinar: Soil Builders - Compost for Soil Function & Disease Suppression

The Soil Builders FREE webinar series continues on Thursday, December 9th, at 1pm, with a webinar focused on composting to support soil function & disease suppression, while improving and protecting water quality.

In this webinar you'll learn:

  • How to manage water infiltration and nutrient availability with compost

  • Why organic matter in compost improves aggregate structure and reduces erosion

  • Examples of using compost to manage soil borne pathogens of plants

This is part of a series of interactive Soil Builders Workshops where you can:

1. Gain a deeper understanding of the connections between soil health & water quality.

2. Increase your technical know-how about compost, including specific compost Best Management Practices for a wide range of interventions.

3. Learn how to support change of practice for road construction, development projects, stormwater control & site remediation.

Organized by the Composting Association of Vermont, the Soil Builders Project is funded wholly by the United States Environmental Protection Agency under assistance agreement (LC00A00605) to New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission in partnership with the Lake Champlain Basin Program.

Free Webinar - Soil Builders: Healthy Soils, Healthy Lawns

The Soil Builders Education in Action FREE webinar series continues with a webinar focused on residential lawn care.

About this event

The Composting Association of Vermont is offering a free webinar that will talk how healthy soils support healthy lawns, soil testing and how to know what your soil needs, and best practices for topdressing lawns with compost.

  • Tuesday November 9th from 7:00-8:30PM Eastern time

In this webinar you'll learn:

  • How lawn care can impact water quality in the Lake Champlain Basin

  • Why and how to test your soil, and what the results mean

  • When, how and why to topdress lawns with compost

This is part of a series of interactive Soil Builders Workshops where you can:

1. Gain a deeper understanding of the connections between soil health & water quality.

2. Increase your technical know-how about compost, including specific compost Best Management Practices for a wide range of interventions.

3. Learn how to support change of practice for road construction, development projects, stormwater control & site remediation.

Organized by the Composting Association of Vermont, the Soil Builders Project is funded wholly by the United States Environmental Protection Agency under assistance agreement (LC00A00605) to New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission in partnership with the Lake Champlain Basin Program.

Call for Expressions of Interest to Join our Board of Directors

October 2021

The Composting Association of Vermont (CAV) seeks to cultivate a committed Board that is representative of the diverse landscape of compost issues across Vermont. To that end, CAV is seeking prospective board members to fill vacancies on its current Board of Directors. CAV is specifically seeking enthusiastic individuals who have a passion for composting, soil health and building resilient communities and who also possess skills such as organization, leadership, strategic thinking, fundraising, creativity, policy and  outreach education.

About CAV

CAV is a 501(c)(3) organization governed by a volunteer Board of Directors and led by a part-time Executive Director. The organization promotes composting as a vital link between soil health and sustainable agriculture and communities. CAV was initially founded in 2002 with support from the Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund and the Agency of Natural Resources with the purpose and vision to establish a thriving composting sector in Vermont.  Since 2002, Vermont has gained a number of permitted composting businesses, community and on-farm composting, and additional organic materials management businesses including anaerobic digesters, a depackaging facility, and a significant increase in organics hauling businesses operating throughout the state. 

Today, CAV continues to engage with many stakeholder groups to promote the production and use of high quality compost through education, policy, outreach, and partnerships to reduce and manage organic waste and create jobs. Current programs and activities of the organization include: 

  1. Soil Builders: Education in Action program (funded by Lake Champlain Basin Program)

  2. Organics from Mixed Use Buildings - A pilot project in Brattleboro (funded by the Windham Foundation)

  3. Coordinates and convenes the annual Vermont Organics Recycling Summit (VORS)

  4. On-Farm Community-Scale Food Scrap and Agricultural Organic Waste Management in Vermont and New Hampshire (funded by USDA Rural Utilities Services, beginning in October 2021)

  5. Provides leadership and participates in the Farm to Plate Network and Food Cycle Coalition; teaches in the Master Composter Program; provides expert testimony on statewide, compost-related issues

Responsibilities of CAV Board Members

CAV Board members are expected to be highly engaged in the strategic vision, planning, and implementation of CAV programs and activities. Some of the responsibilities include:

  • Attending and participating in 3 to 4 Board Meetings per year (In-person/Zoom)

  • Being prepared for meetings by reading and/or commenting on materials sent beforehand

  • Supporting the work of CAV by representing the organization in a positive manner

  • Serving on and contributing to ad hoc committees, or serving in an Officer role

  • Supporting the work of the Director by providing timely feedback, technical advice, and strategy

  • Playing an active role in fundraising and seeking funds for CAV projects

Additionally, Board members are expected to nominally invest in CAV as follows:

  • Board members typically spend between 2-10 hours per month on board-related business

  • Board members (as individuals, or as their organizational affiliation) are expected to be CAV members in good standing

  • Board members are not compensated for their time or travel for board-related activity. (Many board members carpool to meetings)

Terms of Service

Board members are appointed to serve 3-year terms based on a calendar year and are eligible to serve additional terms. Many of our board members have served for over a decade. New Board members are typically appointed in December.  

About Non-Profit Board Service

Serving as a member on a nonprofit board is both a challenging and rewarding experience. Serving on a board is a great way to share your skills and build new skills, while forming relationships with other individuals who share a similar passion and interest around a common cause. CAV board members have the opportunity to increase their personal knowledge of the composting sector in Vermont and regionally, and to contribute to projects that advance the use of compost to support soil health.

The legal duties of nonprofit board members include the:

  • Duty of Care: to participate actively in making decisions on behalf of an organization and exercise best judgment;

  • Duty of Loyalty: to put the organization’s needs first, before one’s own personal, professional or business interests; and

  • Duty of Obedience: to ensure that the organization is true to its mission and complies with federal and state laws.

If you are new to non-profit board service, we recommend reviewing these resources:

For More Information & to submit your expression of interest for consideration:

Contact CAV Director Natasha Duarte  ( / 802-373-6499) or CAV Board President Bob Spencer (

A list of current board members and officers can be found at:

The Composting Association of Vermont is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Grow, eat … COMPOST … repeat: Vermont Organics Recycling Summit a success


The 15th Annual Vermont Organics Recycling Summit (VORS) brought together participants from Vermont, New England, and around the nation. VORS is hosted by the Composting Association of Vermont (CAV) and the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources (ANR), Department of Environmental Conservation. The virtual event was held May 3-7, in conjunction with the US Composting Council’s International Compost Awareness Week, and qualified for Professional Development Hours from the Council.

With the theme, Grow, Eat…COMPOST…Repeat, VORS offered 12 sessions and four video tours, and featured over 40 presenters. More than 240 people registered to attend. CAV is pleased to announce that session recordings are now posted on the Summit webpage.

The event was opened by Peter Walke, Commissioner of the VT Department of Environmental Conservation and the “State of the State,” presented by Josh Kelly, Materials Management Section Chief, ANR. The Keynote was given by David Montgomery, a MacArthur Fellow, University of Washington professor of geomorphology, and author of several books, including, Bringing Our Soil Back to Life.

Day Two started with Food Scrap Composting Success: Stories From the Field, bringing together compost operation representatives from around the state. Compostables, Disposables, and Durables discussed food service options. Rounding out the day’s sessions was Food Scrap Diversion Strategies for Multi-Unit Complexes. Day Three focused on the nutrient benefits of compost with Connecting Farms to Communities to Close the Nutrient Loop, followed by Composting and Heat Recovery for the VT Phosphorus Innovation Challenge and finishing with Improved Compost Fertility Characteristics: Thermophilic and Vermicompost Blends.

Soil Builders: Compost-Based Best Management Practices for Erosion Prevention & Sediment Control kicked off day four. This session was part of CAV’s Soil Builders project developed to provide compost-related eco-literacy for Lake Champlain Basin decision-makers, professionals and advocates. It was followed by Organics Diversion Options in Chittenden County and a session on the US Composting Council’s new Model Zoning Template. The final day of the Summit began with Engaging a New Generation of Organics Managers, developed and presented by teachers, middle school students and ECO AmeriCorps members. A VORS tradition, the Haulers’ Roundtable, was the last session of the Summit.

A new, highly popular component of this year’s Summit featured video tours. Tours of Vanguard Renewables’ New Anaerobic Co-digester in Salisbury, Chittenden Solid Waste District’s Organic Diversion Facility, Rich Earth Institute located in Brattleboro, and Black Dirt Farm located in the Northeast Kingdom were presented and followed by discussion.

Stated Cathy Jamison, ANR Solid Waste Program Manager, “Vermont continues to be a leader in food scrap management around the country. VORS reflects this with its excellent caliber of presenters, engaging sessions, and diverse participants.”

This year’s VORS sponsors included: Community Bank, EcoProducts, Vermont Natural Ag Products, Inc., Addison County Solid Waste Management District, Agrilab Technologies, Ecopixel, Naturcycle, Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation EcoAmeriCorps Program, and the Vermont Produce Program.

The Composting Association of Vermont advances the production and use of compost as vital to soil health through practices that contribute to water quality, plant vigor, and environmental resilience. CAV demonstrates the value of compost through education, policy, outreach, and partnerships to reduce waste, capture energy, and create jobs. Learn about becoming a CAV member.

Two Degree Difference: Composting

Guest Blogger, Ali Drew

Elly Ventura, one of our board member’s here at the Composting Association of Vermont, believes composting can reduce rising methane emissions. Food rotting in landfills releases methane, a greenhouse gas which the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency says is 25 times more damaging than carbon dioxide. “I can make that process happen in my own backyard, and turn those materials right back into a really good soil amendment,” Ventura said.

When we put organic products into a landfill that don’t need to be there they stay for a long time, and release methane gas. The solution is to put all food scraps in a compost bin, which can be purchased from your solid waste district or town or consider building your own durable, enclosed container.

For more information, find the news story here by Dana Casullo:

FREE WEBINAR on May 20 at 10am: Compost Specifications and Best Management Practices for Landscape Architects

You're invited to join the Composting Association of Vermont and Chuck Duprey from Naturcycle on Tuesday May 20 for a free 1-hour intensive (10-11am Eastern time) for those interested in compost applications in landscape architecture.

Compost has many green benefits including preventing erosion, conserving water, and promoting healthy vegetative growth. Specifications for compost applications help builders and landscape architects implement more green building practices, and bring projects into compliance for getting the LEED-seal of approval.

LA CE and LEED CE available for this session.


This is part of a series of interactive Soil Builders Workshops where you can:

  1. Gain a deeper understanding of the connections between soil health & water quality.

  2. Increase your technical know-how about compost, including specific compost Best Management Practices for a wide range of interventions.

  3. Learn how to support change of practice for road construction, development projects, stormwater control & site remediation.

Organized by the Composting Association of Vermont, the Soil Builders Project is funded wholly or in part by the United States Environmental Protection Agency under assistance agreement (LC00A00605) to New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission in partnership with the Lake Champlain Basin Program.

Questions? Contact Natasha at can or 802-373-6499

We hope to see you there!

Public Invited to Join Free Online Composting Summit May 3-7

Guest blogger Ali Drew

Community Composting training at the Ludlow Area Community Garden_LudlowVT.jpg

Montpelier, VT, [April 19, 2021] - Next month, the Composting Association of Vermont and the Agency of Natural Resources will be hosting the Vermont Organics Recycling Summit (VORS). This event will bring together leaders and learners from across the state to discuss creative ways to keep organics out of the trash and transform organics into valuable products. The free online Summit is a great opportunity for anyone interested in how Vermont communities and organizations manage their food scraps successfully and overcome challenges. It is also a great way to learn more about compost, anaerobic digestion, and building healthy soil. The event runs from May 3-7 during International Compost Awareness Week.  

“The Summit aims to help Vermonters and regional partners meet the State’s organics diversion, food rescue, and food scrap recycling goals,” said Natasha Duarte, the Director of the Composting Association of Vermont. “We have more than 15 events scheduled, including virtual tours of organics management sites around the state, that celebrate the value of compost and the many ways it supports the health of the environment, the people, and the economy. We’re especially excited to hear Dr. David Montgomery’s keynote presentation Bringing Our Soil Back to Life.” 

“When communities keep organics out of the trash, they support green businesses and jobs, reduce dependence on landfilling waste, cut greenhouse gas emissions, and produce compost, which has restorative soil properties,” said Josh Kelly, the Materials Management Section Manager in the Agency of Natural Resources. “Efforts to keep food out of the garbage can also put more food on the tables of Vermonters. For example, many grocery stores now partner with the Vermont Foodbank to send excess quality food to people, instead of throwing it away.” 

Learn more about VORS or register online at or contact Natasha Duarte at or 802-373-6499. 


March 23rd: Soil Builders Webinar - Compost-Based Best Management Practices


Learn about Best Management Practices for compost and compost-based products

  • Live webinar via Zoom

  • Tuesday March 23rd

  • 10am-Noon

This webinar is free, but requires registration.


Join the Composting Association of Vermont with speakers Chuck Duprey (Naturcycle) and Brian Jerose (Agrilab Technologies Inc.) to learn about best management practices for using compost in landscaping and athletic fields, direct erosion control in construction or roadside projects, low nutrient applications, and agriculture.

This is the second in a series of interactive Soil Builders Workshops where you can:

1. Gain a deeper understanding of the connections between soil health & water quality

2. Increase your technical know-how about compost, including specific compost Best Management Practices for a wide range of interventions.

3. Learn how to support change of practice for road construction, development projects, stormwater control & site remediation.


Organized by the Composting Association of Vermont, the Soil Builders Project is funded by the New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission, in partnership with the Lake Champlain Basin Program.

February 25th: Soil Builders Webinar - Soil Health & Water Quality


Learn about the connections between soil health & water quality, and get an overview of compost-based Best Management Practices.

  • Live webinar via Zoom

  • Thursday February 25th

  • 10am-11:30am

This webinar is free, but requires registration.


Join the Composting Association of Vermont with speakers  Marc Companion (Lake Champlain Sea Grant) and Athena Lee Bradley (independent compost consultant) to learn about the connections between soil health and water quality, and to get an overview of compost-based best management practices.

This is the first in a series of interactive Soil Builders Workshops where you can:

1. Gain a deeper understanding of the connections between soil health & water quality

2. Increase your technical know-how about compost, including specific compost Best Management Practices for a wide range of interventions.

3. Learn how to support change of practice for road construction, development projects, stormwater control & site remediation.


Organized by the Composting Association of Vermont, the Soil Builders Project is funded by the New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission, in partnership with the Lake Champlain Basin Program.

VORS 2021 Call for presentations & Workshops

15th Annual Vermont Organics Recycling Summit

2021 Theme: Grow, Eat…COMPOST…Repeat

May 2-8, 2021 (as part of International Compost Awareness Week)

Submission Deadline: Monday, January 25th, 2021


The 2021 Vermont Organics Recycling Summit (VORS) will include a variety of virtual events (webinars, facilitated online discussion groups, and other potential activities) celebrating the value of compost and the many ways it supports the health of the environment, the people and the economy. Presentations will cover topics related to food rescue and the recycling of organic materials such as food scraps, manures, food processing residuals and yard debris.

To supplement the virtual VORS experience, there is also the potential opportunity for small group, outdoor, in-person events to occur regionally across the state. Any such events will be compliant with State and CDC COVID-19 guidelines for events at that time and may include open houses, tours, or workshops/demonstrations.

All composting & organics recycling professionals; researchers and educators; government officials; planners; community & business leaders; consultants; contractors; students and advocates are encouraged to submit a proposal. More than one proposal may be submitted. Download a pdf of this Call for Proposals.

Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:

Screen Shot 2020-12-21 at 11.12.05 AM.png

Please fill out this google form or submit a proposal containing the following information:

  1. Proposed Title of Presentation

  2. Speaker(s) Name, Affiliation, Address, Email, and Phone Number

  3. Proposal type: □ 10-20 min (virtual panelist), □ 90 min (virtual session/workshop),  □ In-person event, □ other

  4. 3-4 sentence biography of speaker(s) / host(s)

  5. 5 sentences describing the presentation content or proposal

  6. Prior speaking experience; has presentation been done at other conferences?

  7. If available, sample PowerPoint of presentation

  8. Preference, if any, for morning or afternoon time slot   

  9. Are you willing to have a pdf of your presentation posted after the Summit? 

  10. Additional presentation information

Thank you for your interest in the 2021 Vermont Organics Recycling Summit.

*Presentations that primarily promote for-profit technologies or services are discouraged. 

Submission deadline:  Monday, January 25th, 2021.

Submit proposals to:

For more information, contact Natasha Duarte at 802-373-6499 or

Vermont Compost Operator Certification Training

Screen Shot 2020-11-10 at 1.17.09 PM.png

Registration is now open for the Vermont Compost Operator Certification Training!

In order to socially distance, we will be offering a fully remote version of the Vermont Compost Operator Certification Training in winter 2021. Hosted by Compost Technical Services, and presented by the VT Agency of Natural Resources (ANR), this workshop will provide participants with a Compost Operator Certificate, which meets the requirements of ANR for small, medium and large compost facility site operators. Current or future compost site operators will be certified to manage composting facilities handling food scraps or animal mortalities in Vermont. The training is a combination of pre-recorded presentations, review tests, and live webinars. Vermont residents and site operators working in the state have priority registration.

Two blocks of course materials will be released on or before January 5th and 20th. Participants will be able to complete this work on their own schedule. Live webinar sessions will be held on January 21 and February 3rd, so block off your calendars from 10 am - 2 pm those days.

The cost to Vermonters and those operating in Vermont is $30.

For Non-Vermonters: Depending upon in-state enrollment, we may open the course to out-of-state attendees. Click here to sign up to be notified.

If you are a composter (current or aspiring) in Vermont and need help accessing this remote course, are facing financial hardship (need the fee waived), or have any other questions about the training, please reach out to James McSweeney at or (802) 224-6888.

Soil Builders - Education for Action:

Using Compost to Prevent Erosion and Improve Water Quality in the Lake Champlain Basin

Photo by LC Basin Program

Hinesburg, VT, [November 4, 2020] – The Composting Association of Vermont (CAV) was awarded an Education and Outreach Grant from the New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission (NEIWPCC), in partnership with the Lake Champlain Basin Program, to develop and provide “Soil Builders” workshops that will provide compost-related eco-literacy for Lake Champlain Basin decision-makers, professionals and advocates.

Concerns about elevated phosphorous levels in the Lake Champlain Basin have contributed to confusion about when and how to use compost. There is a knowledge gap about specific benefits from using compost and how to modify current farming, site engineering and landscaping practices to produce those benefits. The physical, biological, and chemical properties of compost in the soil matrix contribute to the all-important structure that keeps soil particles – and the phosphorous attached to them – from eroding. This allows healthy functioning of the soil: infiltrating water, decreasing runoff, preventing erosion, and retention of nutrients.

Education is key for promoting compost solutions as environmentally beneficial and cost competitive choices. There is a meaningful connection between how we design and maintain the natural elements in built environments and how healthy soil improves water quality. Using compost in land management practices is a critical strategy for climate adaptation. When added to soils, the structure and web of organisms in compost increase soil stability, fertility, water infiltration, and moisture retention.

We anticipate that virtual workshops will begin this Winter, with small in-person workshops convening in the Spring.

Project partners include Athena Lee Bradley, Compost Consultant; Marc Companion, Lake Champlain Sea Grant; Charles Duprey, Naturcycle; Deb Neher, Department of Plant and Soil Science, UVM; Dan Goossen, CSWD Green Mountain Compost; Brian Jerose, Agrilab Technologies; Elly Ventura, Lamoille Regional Solid Waste Management District; and other members of the CAV Board of Directors.

For more information contact Natasha Duarte:, 802-373-6499

A Soil Symphony

Guest blogger Ali Drew

Check out this podcast on “the story of compost as biologically rich soil and a promising source of renewable energy.” This podcast features Soil Ecologist Dr. Deborah Neher and Entrepreneur and CAV Board Member Brian Jerose.

The Attune Podcast includes “stories that stitch us closer to the world outside our window and help us re-imagine what it means to exist on our planet.” Attune is written, edited, and produced by Leah Kelleher.


Soil Ecologist Dr. Deborah Neher and Entrepreneur Brian Jerose tell the story of compost as biologically rich soil and a promising source of renewable energy. Attune is written, produced, and edited by Leah Kelleher. Music by Blue Dot Sessions, Chad Crouch, Siddhartha, and Lobo Loco.

Snake Worm Invasions

Guest blogger Ali Drew


Has your soil been looking different lately? Does it resemble coffee grounds or hamburger meat? If so, you may have a snake worm invasion on your hands.

What is a snake worm?

Snake worms are a kind of earthworms, introduced with plant material from Japan and Korea. These pests “do not target a particular organism the way many pests do. Instead, they ravage the soil on which all plant life relies” (NY Times). Josef H. Görres, a UVM professor in the department of plant and soil science, notes that the pests damage entire ecosystems, not just specific species.

What can you do?

  1. If you have snake worms, report them with the address of where you saw them or coordinates (cell phones can give you GPS coordinates) to Professor Josef Görres at

  2. Prevent the worms from getting into your garden by:

    1. Washing the roots of plants you buy or receive in a plant exchange. Bare root exchanges are best.

    2. Growing the plants from seed.

    3. Making your own compost, or buy compost from reputable sources.

Find more information from NY Times & from CAV/Professor Josef Görres

Food Scrap Haulers See More Business After July 1 Law

Photo by VT DEC

Photo by VT DEC

Small food scrap haulers are growing across Vermont. These haulers provide a bucket to fill with food scraps and then curbside pickup to take the buckets to a larger compost facility. Small business owners are now gaining more traction due to the July 1 law banning food scraps from the landfill.

Roots Compost, is one of the many food scrap haulers that has seen more business recently since the July 1 law banning food scraps. This small business has been able to thrive thanks to the new compost law.

CSWD and Green Mountain Compost have also seen an uptick in the amount of food scraps dropped off at their facilities.

Looking for a food scrap hauler in your area? Check out this resource from VT DEC.

Healthy Soil Means a Healthy Lawn!

Guest blogger Ali Drew

Did you know that healthy soil means a healthy lawn? Healthy soil is vital for thick, strong grass. Healthy soil is rich in organic matter, earthworms, air, water & nutrients.


How do you create healthy soil?

  • When creating new lawn:

    • Add organic matter, like compost, to your existing soil by tilling or turning a layer of it into your existing soil.

    • Then rake the soil so it is smooth and will drain properly, and then scatter the grass seed or lay the sod grass.

  • For existing lawn, you can top dress with compost by spreading about a 1/4 inch of compost right over the grass and then gently raking in.

Don’t forget to test your soil!

It’s good to test your soil every so often to see what it needs for nutrients and organic matter - this will help you choose the best compost, and amount of compost, to add to your soil!

How do you maintain healthy soil?

  • Aerate your lawn at least once per year. “Aeration perforates the soil with small holes to allow air, water and nutrients to penetrate the grass roots. This helps the roots grow deeply and produce a stronger, more vigorous lawn” (Briggs & Stratton).

  • Introduce earthworms to your soil! Simply by adding organic matter to your soil, you create an environment that earthworms will be attracted to and thrive in. If there are no earthworms present you can actually purchase them from local worm farms or from online sources. 


How do you maintain healthy lawn grass?

  • Mow regularly and mow "high" (3+ inches for cool season grasses).

  • Let the clippings stay on the lawn as they naturally recycle fertilizer nutrients.

  • Regularly watering your lawn maintains healthy grass & soil life. As you build the organic matter in your soil, you’re actually increasing its water-holding capacity, which means you won’t need to water as much! As your soil health improves, and the turf roots grow deeper, they also have more access to moisture and nutrients. Over time your lawn will look better and be easier to maintain.

For more information see Lawn to Lake’s Raise the Blade Campaign and Wilson Bros Gardens.