It’s very normal for community composting sites to go through iterations of site design, system choice, operations management and recipe!
Module 4 is all about managing a community composting site in a way that's safe and enjoyable for compost team members as well as the surrounding community. Resources include videos and tip sheets on troubleshooting and keeping the system going after initial setup.
Moisture Assessment: The Squeeze Method (3:50)
Trouble Shooting a Compost Tumbler (6:37)
Tip Sheets
It’s important to understand how the composting system is supposed to work and to manage the collection of feedstocks, reviewing the logbooks, and troubleshooting as needed. It also includes the people-part of the process, providing or arranging for trainings, knowing volunteer availability and scheduling, and fostering clear and open communication.
A compost “recipe” is a specific blend of materials mixed together in a compost system. Having different recipes, based on the type of feedstock materials and the type of compost system used, will help the system reach the optimum carbon to nitrogen (C:N) range for the decomposing microbes to do their work.
Keeping accurate and detailed records is an important aspect of managing a compost system. Accurate records provide crucial feedback about how the system is working and information upon which to base decisions or take action. Everyone on the compost team should have an understanding of why these records are important and how to make accurate measurements. Good record keeping also ensures that if site issues develop or the compost team encounters neighbor complaints, the issues and any actions taken are documented.
Troubleshooting is an integral part to operating a community composting site. It doesn’t mean you’ve done something wrong – it’s an ongoing part of system management. As you’re learning, be sure to reach out to experts who can help you! Build a network of other community, backyard, and master composters, extension workers, or other local knowledgeable individuals. This tip sheet also includes easy tests you can do on site to determine if your compost is ready for use.
Related Resources
Community Composting Site Inspection Form
The Site Inspection Form is a useful tool to use when walking through an existing site or considering how to set up a new site. The different sections of the inspection form provides prompts for thinking about different aspects of site set-up and ensures that all of the necessary components are being included.